photograph provided by Anoir Chafik


Like a small pebble thrown into a still pond…

a scruffy dog with heart worm and tick-borne disease, on an island in the Caribbean, produced a powerful ripple. With cute floppy ears and a ton of inspiration, she got us thinking about the idea of human, animal, and environmental health interdependence. 

"Everything is connected," she told us," and the environment which supports me and you must be preserved so that my health and your health can be maintained." And we agreed with her. If we could maintain the integrity of our environment, our only home, while also providing other animals with optimal health care we would ultimately improve our overall health too.  

These overarching ideas turned the ripples into waves, and as they crashed onto the shores of the pond, the Animal Awareness Abroad Foundation Inc., was formed. It won't be an easy task, but what we do will be meaningful and important. It's the small changes, that when seen together, have the most profound impact. We are #withouranimals.