Photograph provided by Domenik Kowalewski.


Since 2019, we have led an effort to help animals of the global community and promote the One Health philosophy that our health is connected to the health of animals and of the ecosystems we call home.

Our Mission

To raise awareness of human, animal, and environmental health interdependence and provide high quality veterinary care to underserved communities worldwide - one small step, or hop, at a time.



Promote awareness

Recognition is the first step. Everything we use and experience comes from our environment, so if our environment and our animals within it are healthy, we are healthy. It’s as simple as that.

Provide Care

High quality veterinary care for our domestic animals, our wildlife, and our pets is absolutely paramount to ensure the success of all life on Earth. Think of basic veterinary care as the roots providing our animals, the branches and flowers, with the energy needed to grow and flourish.

perfect togetherness

Our well being is inextricably linked to the health of other animals and our environment. Realizing this connection, we must proactively work together and preserve our unique home, protect its special inhabitants, and push for optimal health for all.

When a much larger number of people know the nature of their minds, they’ll know all the glorious nature of the world they are in, and struggle urgently and bravely to preserve it.
— Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying