Get Pet Health Insurance!

This is not going to be a lengthy, in dept post about the benefits of Pet Health Insurance, which ones are the best bang for your buck, what it includes, what it covers, and where to get it. This is merely a public service amount, a PSA if you will, to get Pet Health Insurance! Even if you do not imagine your pet getting sick. Even if you only ever bring your pet to the vet for vaccines. Even if you do not have a pet. Get it. Get it in anticipation – anything can happen. 

 With the human animal bond becoming stronger by the minute, prices at the vet are going up (also by the minute – I’m seeing this happening right now working in corporate medicine). And so, too, is the desire for specialized veterinary medicine. So many people want their pets to see a surgeon, an internist, an ultrasonographer, an acupuncturist, or a shockwaver (aka a veterinarian familiar with the use of extracorporeal shockwave therapy). This highlights the reality that going to the vet is not just vaccines and cardiopulmonary auscultation and ear swabs. It is essentially on par with going to a human doctor who treats your own human ailments, expect the doctor (the vet in this PSA) does not actually like people. They are just doing it for your fluffy little fuzzball. So, do it for them, get Pet Health Insurance. 

We honestly all like our pets better than other people, which is all the more reason to get it. Our pets deserve the best. They deserve what we deserve. They need to be insured so that they can live without fear of falling out of a building, eating xylitol bubblegum, getting stung by a bee, developing cancer, being attacked by a housemate, or wasting away from chronic diarrhea.